Dental Promotion 

To do our part in protecting your pet's health we are offering  10% OFF dentals year round! That's a MINIMUM savings of $150, and even more savings in cases requiring additional dental work.

Other reasons why you should perform your pet's dental at Bernardo Heights Veterinary Hospital:

  • Performed by veterinarians and licensed veterinary technicians who are up to date with the most current practices via "wet lab" training by board certified dental specialists
  • FOUR Registered Veterinary Technicians on staff
  • Since we are an AAHA accredited hospital, all hospital procedures and practices, including dental work, are certified in quality and safety by third party assessment -
  • Thorough anesthetic monitoring for safety - EKG, blood pressure, oxygenation, heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, anesthetic depth
  • FREE in house and out house pre-anesthetic blood work to ensure pet is safe for anesthesia
  • Balanced anesthetic protocol with only the most modern agents and current state of the industry dosing regimes tailored to the patient
  • FREE Full mouth dental radiographs to thoroughly assess teeth and aid in making sound recommendations (grades 2-4)
  • Price structure to reduce the overall price while maintaining excellent quality of care
  • All work beyond the base dental cleaning is at your discretion/approval
  • Full assessment for oral pain
  • Sealant application to significantly extend the benefit of the dental by retarding sub-gingival plaque re-attachment for 6 months or more (Sanos - a Veterinary Oral Health Council approved product)
  • Bonding for enamel defects
  • Antibiotic plus polymer gel treatment (Doxirobe) for deep gingival pockets
  • For more advanced dental work we provide optimal pain control (oral nerve blocks, opioids, and/or NSAIDs)